Our Treatments

Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal

About This Treatment


If you’re tired of shaving or waxing only to have hair grow back again and again, no need to worry, unwanted hair doesn’t have to stay with you for life! With our state-of-the-art laser systems, we offer the most effective and comfortable laser hair removal.

My Laser Lady is proud to offer a virtually painless approach to laser hair removal. Soprano XL Laser Hair Removal by Alma is one of the top technologies in the world for providing safe, comfortable, effective, and long lasting hair removal. Soprano®’s innovative technology is effective for all ages and skin types.

Our Process

IN-Motion & ICE Cooling Technology

Unlike some commonly used laser technologies in the market, the diode laser is an IN-Motion technology meaning it’s never on one spot for too long. It gradually heats up the hair follicles as it’s constantly moving over the treatment area. Most clients say that the treatment feels similar to a hot stone massage.

The great thing about the Soprano lasers is the ICE™ cooling technology, which cools the skin during the treatment. The ICE™ cold sapphire tip minimizes the risk of burns on the skin surface while maintaining heat within the dermis where hair follicles are treated. This increases patient comfort, making treatments more enjoyable than ever before.

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Laser Hair Removal FAQ

What is Soprano ICE?

Soprano ICE is the latest generation of the award-winning Soprano laser hair removal system. It is the most complete and effective laser hair removal system available today.

How is Soprano ICE different than other soprano hair removal systems?

Soprano ICE is an advanced hair removal platform that incorporates multiple laser wavelengths and technologies. It offers power and versatility that allows you to treat the widest range of patients and hair types all year round.

Is hair removal with Soprano ICE really painless?

Soprano ICE uses Alma Laser’s SHR method, which is the only clinically proven method of laser hair removal that is virtually painless. The unique heating and energy delivery method effectively damages the hair follicle while preventing injury and pain to the surrounding tissue. At the same time, integrated ICE™ tech cools the skin surface, preventing superficial burns and the sensation of pain.

Is hair removal with Soprano ICE safe?

Absolutely. Soprano ICE’s SHR method has been proven in multiple clinical studies as the safest method of laser hair removal for all skin types. With SHR, hair follicles are damaged not by a single pulse of high energy which can injure the skin, but by repetitive short energy pulses. These pulses produce heat build-up which gradually raises the temperature of the dermis to the level needed for preventing hair growth, while minimizing the risk of burns.

Is hair removal with Soprano ICE safe on dark skin?

Yes. While the melanin in dark skin is exponentially more sensitive to the heat used in laser treatment, Soprano ICE’s SHR method has been clinically proven to be the safe for dark skin types. Rather than exposing the hair follicle to a single high energy pulse which can cause trauma to skin with a high melanin count, SHR gradually heats the skin until the required heat energy is delivered to the hair follicle. This makes SHR the safest laser hair removal option, including for dark skinned patients.

Can Soprano ICE be used in the summer and can it treat tanned skin?

Yes. Soprano ICE’s SHR method affects the melanin of the skin using a unique method, allowing the procedure to be performed anytime of the year as well as on tanned skin. Furthermore, sun exposure is less traumatic to the skin following SHR treatment.

How long are treatments with Soprano ICE?

While Soprano ICE offers the fastest laser hair removal solution available today, the duration of treatment can vary depending on the patient’s skin color, hair type and the area being treated. Treatment time can range from a few seconds for a small area such as above the upper lip, to 8 minutes for the entire back.

How many treatments do patients typically need before they see results?

This is probably the most popular Soprano ICE FAQ. The answer is – depending on the patient’s skin and hair type, results are typically seen after ONE treatment.

How many treatments are typically required?

Realistically 12 – 15 treatments are required. How far apart ? This varies patient to patient. Typically we say the first 6 treatments should be 6 weeks apart. The next 6 should be anywhere from 8 to 10 weeks apart. MLL will keep a patient file to track all results and guide you how far apart treatments will be required.

Can you do laser hair removal during pregnancy?

Sorry future mamas! Unfortunately, you can’t have laser done during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

Can you laser over tattoos?

No! We need to cover your tattoos to prevent damage / fading of your ink! piercings will need to be removed.

Can I shave between treatments?

Yes! You can shave within the first 2 weeks of treatment. Please remember the hair will be shedding within the first 2 weeks. Shaving should not be required until your next treatment.

Is there an age limit for laser hair removal?

18 and older? just sign on the dotted line! 16-18? We will require parental consent. Under 16? We will not be able to provide any treatment.

What are the risks?

The biggest risk with lasers is eye damage. Both you and the person operating the laser should be wearing goggles specific to the type of laser that’s being used. Other risks include blistering, scarring, and burns that can discolor your skin. It’s normal for there to be some redness and swelling.

Are consultations required if patient has had treatments at another clinics?

Yes! Please understand if you have not have any treatments with MLL, it is extremely important that we thoroughly go over your medical history, hair removal history, pre & post care, answer any questions you may have regarding treatments, conduct a test patch, & explain all health and safety regulations.

Who is the developer of Soprano ICE?

Alma Lasers is the developer of the Soprano ICE as well as the SHR technology. The Alma Lasers company is at the forefront of global innovation in the fields of both surgical and medical aesthetic devices and offers highly advanced laser, light-based, radio-frequency and ultrasound solutions.

What is ingrown hair?

Ingrown hair, otherwise known as also known as Pseudofolliculitis barbae (or PFB), is a condition that usually manifests as small and slightly raised reddish bumps surrounding hair follicles. Minor cases of ingrown hair often resembles (and feels like) razor burn but, when left unattended, can become complicated and painful. Ingrown hairs can become infected, leading to substantial discomfort and the development of unsightly cysts.

The condition usually occurs when a hair (that has recently been shaved, waxed or plucked) grows back improperly. Often the hair gets trapped inside the follicle, curling into itself, or grows into the skin surrounding the follicle. When this happens the trapped hair causes skin irritation that can range from minor inflammation to moderate acne or severe infection. Aside from the inconvenience of the condition, people that chronically suffer from ingrown hair often have to treat isolated incidents through antibiotics and topical solutions.

Can laser hair removal remove ingrown hair?

Yes! A common use of laser hair removal systems is the treatment and prevention of ingrown hairs anywhere on a patient’s face or body.

Laser technology uses a specialized method for breaking down the growth of all hair and the effects of this work to effectively combat ingrown hair as well. Common hair removal methods (like shaving, waxing and plucking) are carried out by breaking the hair shaft on a superficial level (at the surface of the skin or just below it) and this can actually lead to more ingrown hair. Laser hair removal stops hair growth by halting it at the follicle root itself, permanently damaging the follicles ability to produce new hairs.

Lasers are able to stop the development of ingrown hair by addressing the problem at its source, stopping hair from growing before it has a chance to become trapped in the skin or follicle. It also works to address existing ingrown hairs in a similar way, offering patients a comprehensive solution to the problem. After only a few sessions of laser treatment, patients are able to put a stop to ingrown hairs forever and are free to live their lives without worrying about having to suffer through any further pain or embarrassment.

Who is a candidate for Laser Hair Removal?

Men and women of any age looking to rid themselves of unwanted hair! The Soprano®️ system can safely and effectively remove hair from virtually anywhere on the face and body. The Soprano can treat all skin types, hair types and most hair colours.

What type of hair & skin can this system treat?

This Laser Hair Removal System can treat both fine and coarse hair, as well as lighter hair on all skin types.

Is Soprano laser hair removal safe?

Your safety is our number one priority. Soprano®️ has been FDA and Health Canada approved since 2005. It is used worldwide and has safely and effectively treated millions of patients.

Will my hair grow back?

Once the hair follicle is permanently damaged, new hair cannot grow. During the process, some of these follicles may be only partially damaged and will need to be retreated.

The time leading up to treatment is where patients are able to make the biggest difference in the success of their laser hair removal treatment. Just the same, everyone is likely to feel a bit nervous as they head in for their appointment and knowing exactly what to expect helps to ward off any unnecessary jitters.

How many treatments will I need?

There are a number of variables that can affect the success of treatment series. Generally; after each treatment, you’ll see a noticeable reduction in the number of hairs that regrow in the treatment area. On average 6-10 treatments for best results. Testimonials from our patients prove that the treatment is extremely effective in achieving the aesthetic improvement desired.

Do I need to prepare the area before treatment?

During the consultation, your technician will advise you on what to do before laser hair removal. Here are some basic tips to follow:

  • Avoid Tanning For 4-6 Weeks Prior To Treatment, As Darker Skin Is More Difficult To Treat
  • Don’t Pluck, Wax Or Use A Depilatory Cream For At Least 4-6 Weeks Before Treatment (Shaving Is Ok)
  • Don’t Apply Any Skin Products (Make Up, oils, lotions)
How long does the laser hair removal procedure take?

5 minutes to 1 hour per session; as per the size of the targeted area. Thanks to its advanced, new technology, Soprano Laser Hair Removal system works several times faster than others. We can treat smaller areas such as the upper lip, underarms, or bikini line in about 5 minutes; as well as a woman’s legs or a man’s back in only 15 minutes!

Pre- and Post-Care

Treatment Instructions


Pre-Treatment Protocols

Stop bleaching, plucking, waxing and threading for a minimum of 2-4 weeks prior to beginning any laser treatment. Keep in mind that laser works by targeting the root of the hair, therefore it’s vital to grow out the hair after plucking, threading or waxing and shave 24 hours before your laser appointment

Shave 24 hours prior to your laser appointment. This is an important step for any body part to ensure a safe and pain-free experience. It allows enough time for unwanted hair to not grow back before the appointment. Shaving well in advance also allows your skin to avoid experiencing any increased sensitivity from the razor such as razor bumps or razor burns.

The area being treated must be cleansed thoroughly on the day of your appointment, but refrain from using deodorant, makeup or any lotions on the areas being treated. This is to ensure the laser is being penetrated well into the skin without any barriers. If mistakenly used, make sure to inform your medical aesthetician so she can take the necessary steps to cleanse the area before beginning the treatment.

Avoid the sun and tanning in order to avoid skin discolouration and increased skin sensitivity post treatment. It is recommended to avoid prolonged, direct sun exposure, self-tanning lotions, as well as tanning beds minimum 2 weeks before any laser hair removal treatment. Sunscreen is highly recommended to use immediately after the treatment and continued use throughout the series of appointments. Your medical aesthetician at Divine can help determine which SPF will be best suited for your skin type.

Medications. There are certain medications that should be avoided before beginning laser hair removal treatments, especially those that cause sun sensitivity (photosensitivity). Many of these include certain acne medications. It is important and highly crucial to inform your medical aesthetician during the consultation process of any medication you are taking or have taken in the past to ensure safety of your skin.

These tips will help your treatment go a lot smoother and to work better, and safer. Do not hesitate to ask questions when making your appointment. You are welcome to consult with one of our medical aestheticians in person, or virtually to ensure all your questions are being answered, and that you are fully prepared for your treatment!

  • LIt is imperative that you avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for at least 4 weeks prior to your treatment. This is a must and no exceptions will be made.
  • LTanning creams (self-tanner) should be avoided for at least 2 weeks.
  • LInform the doctor/technician if you have taken Accutane (oral acne medication) in the past year.
  • LDo not tweeze, wax or epilate the area being treated for approximately 6 weeks prior to treatment.
  • LThe night before treatment thoroughly shave all areas to be treated; skin must be clean and free of all hair.

The Day of Your Appointment

When you arrive at My Laser Lady, a staff member will guide you to the treatment area and your procedure will begin shortly thereafter. We will provide you with protective eyewear then ask you to bare the area where hair is to be removed (it’s a good idea to wear loose fitting or easy-to-remove clothing for this reason).

The treatment itself is quick and almost entirely painless. Some practices will choose to apply a topical anaesthetic but, in the majority of cases, no painkillers are necessary. Our modern laser technology incorporates cooling systems that help to minimize discomfort while also ensuring that the skin tissue surrounding the treatment area is unharmed. Therefore you won’t feel much discomfort. At most, you’ll feel a gentle heating of the area.

  • LIf possible, arrive without creams or make-up on the treatment area. Otherwise please arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment in order to clean the skin. Cleansing products are available for your convenience.
  • LAllow 20 minutes to 1 hour for your appointment depending on the size of the treatment area.
  • LJust prior to treatment, you will be given eye shields to wear to protect your eyes.

following the Procedure

After the treatment is finished patients can expect to notice mild swelling, redness and a sensation that resembles a sunburn affecting the area where the laser was targeted. This is normal and begins to subside almost immediately. Swelling usually vanishes within about two hours with redness and discomfort subsiding after two or three days (much like the average sunburn). Most practices will recommend that patients apply ice (every 15 to 20 minutes) or a provided post-laser lotion or ointment in the hours following treatment in order to minimize these side effects.

To ensure that your laser hair removal treatment is effective it’s important to take a few additional steps after the procedure. Sun exposure should be kept at the bare minimum until skin tone returns to normal and physical irritants (like scrubbing, scratching or performing additional hair removal) need to be avoided as well. Makeup can usually be applied right after treatment is finished although, in some cases, your practitioner may advise against using any topical products for a period of time after hair removal.

Skin should return to a normal look and feel within a few days and results will become noticeable somewhere between five to twenty days after the appointment, however this depends on how many treatments have been performed up to that date. In some instances, there may be no apparent change after the very first procedure, but this isn’t a concern – repeated Laser hair removal treatments will achieve results. Many patients may be alarmed by what appears to be new hair growth at this time but this is actually surface hair shedding and is a natural part of the removal process. Follow-up treatments are necessary in order to achieve full hair removal so be sure not to get discouraged with your initial results.

Laser Hair Removal

Potential Side Effects


The best way to minimize the risk of side effects is to avoid UV exposure for 7 days pre- and post-treatment.

  • LAvoid sunburns and tans for at least 2 weeks prior to treatment.
  • LAvoid sunless tanning products for 7 days before treatment.
  • LProvide your technician with an accurate and up to date medical history in order to receive safe and effective treatments.
  • LSide effects are uncommon but may include; Hyperpigmentation (darkening of skin), Hypopigmentation (loss of skin pigmentation), mild to moderate burns or blisters, permanent skin discoloration, temporary redness, follicular edema (little pink/red “puffiness and small bumps like “goose bumps”), swelling and itching in the treated area, hives, rashes, bruising, and lack of desired results.
  • LClients who are pregnant cannot be treated.
  • LTechnicians cannot treat over tattoos.
  • LIf you have epilepsy, Simplicity is unable to provide treatment.

My Laser Lady

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